You are not your yesterdays. You are what you make of your todays. Mistakes happen, don’t let that discourage your future. Use your broken things to make unbroken wings. Then fly. ~ Kayil York When was the last time you checked in with yourself and did an assessment of how you are doing? An assessment not just how your physical body is feeling but also how you are doing mentally and emotionally. Be honest with yourself, how are you doing? Does it seem lately that you have been asking yourself “What is wrong with me?” Perhaps you are exhausted or you aren’t motivated to do anything. One minute you are doing something and then, you can’t remember what it is you are going to do next. In your day-to-day activities, are you able to stay on task and complete what you are doing? It’s so easy to get sidetracked and find yourself doing something completely different and not getting back to what you were doing. Or instead, you just have to stop and rest because it’s as if you have no energy to do anything. Many people are injuring themselves, mostly in small ways, but still hurting themselves. They certainly aren’t doing this on purpose, but it is still happening. It’s as if your body and mind are not in synch with each other. Makes you wonder if there is something wrong with you! You may have a hard time putting what you’re experiencing into words. You can’t quite find the right words to describe what is happening to you. You just know it is happening! Please understand there is nothing wrong with you!!! We are all going through tremendous shifts and changes. So many things happening at once. Your physical body is doing its best to keep up with all the changes. When you aren’t feeling well or you just feel “off”, check in with yourself to see if you need to take a time out. Taking three deep, slow breaths will reset your frequency. Maybe if you slow down and take a few minutes for yourself, you will be able to continue through the day from a better feeling place. Also make sure you are staying in the present moment. If you are doing something and your mind is wandering to the past or thinking about the future, you are not in the NOW moment. This can make you more accident prone. Get yourself back to the present by stating what you are doing to bring your awareness back to what is going on right then. As you adjust and adapt to everything that is taking place within you, around you and in the world, know that you have the ability to come out the other side of all of this in a much better place. You are here at this time to be part of the great evolution we are all going through. As a reminder . . . You are such a beautiful, amazing, brilliant soul. Your light, your essence is beyond this world. If you could see your soul as I see you, you would be blinded by your light. Your essence is so magnificent . . . you are beyond anything you could imagine. You are so much more than what you see in the mirror. There is more to you than what you see, do and experience. You are honored and respected for all that you are and all that you do to make a difference here on this Earth. (Excerpt from the blog Love Message for You. Read entire blog here.) No, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you! No matter what you think or others tell you, you are not crazy. You are experiencing new ways of being and living that you never have experienced before. Be gentle with yourself and know you are doing the best you can. You can do this! Thank you for sharing, liking and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you be the best version of YOU! For more information, click the button below.
The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new. ~ Socrates The ongoing conversation for quite a few years has been that the world is not the same as it used to be. This was said even before the pandemic, and now we are feeling it more than ever! I’m sure you feel it in your world. Even if something feels like it is the same as it was 3 – 5 years ago, chances are great that you are doing it differently. Or you are doing the same thing and getting different results compared to what you use to do. Some aspect of almost everything in your world is different whether you are conscious of the change or not. These are extraordinary times we are living in. So many changes that you may never have thought of coming into your world. Change can be challenging or it can be exciting! Depends upon your perspective. Perhaps this simple technique will help you with all the changes. Imagine wearing a pair of glasses that help you see your perspective of the changes you are experiencing. What if you took off those glasses and put on different glasses? These new glasses would give you a completely different perspective of what is happening. Maybe seeing in a different way will help you move through the changes with more ease. Why is everything different? There are more answers to that question than could be written in this blog! Some big reasons, though, are that you have changed, and the world has changed. Many of these changes seem like they happened overnight! I’m sure you are doing the best you can to flow with these changes, but it is not always easy! At the top of your priorities should be your self-care. No matter what is happening in your world, you must take care of you! In the long run, it will be most beneficial for you and all those around you. With everything that is going on in the world, you may feel like you can’t reach out and ask for help from anyone else. Not true! There are many people able and willing to help you in ways you can’t even imagine. It’s all about helping each other. You may have a program running or belief that tells you it’s a sign of weakness to ask for help. Time to let go of that program! No one can know and do everything, no one! A sign of strength is to know when help is needed. Not only are there people who are willing to help you but there are unseen beings who you can ask for assistance also. There are many walking with you. Depending upon your beliefs, they may be angels, guides, God, your guardian angel, light beings, etc. All you have to do is ask for help and know that it is possible that a legend of angels will come to support you. If you can remember that you are not the only one facing change, maybe that will help in some way. You are not alone going through this. We all have challenges in our day to day lives, some more than others. Yet, here we are at one of the most amazing times on Earth. You are so much more than you realize! You each have special gifts and talents. Never doubt that you don’t make a difference because you do! Do what you can and when it’s more than you can do by yourself, ask for help. You are here at this time because you are needed to help with the transition taking place. Change is the only constant right now. Hang in there and remember you are not alone. Together we can do this! Thank you for sharing, liking and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you be the best version of YOU! For more information, click the button below.
I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples. ~ Mother Teresa So much going on right now, it can be overwhelming! Some of you have been so impacted by what is happening in your life, family, country and world. You may have had moments, or even days, where you do not know what to do or which way to turn. It is evident that the world is different. What was familiar to you may not even exist anymore. Some things you did a couple of years ago now have to be done in a different way. Change is often challenging but right now that seems to be the only constant in life. With all the changes, it might feel like you are walking in quicksand. Perhaps you feel like you are stuck and there is no movement. You don't know what to do. You might believe that only big things make a difference. Small things can be the start of something “big” and wonderful! A baby takes small, wobbly steps when first learning to walk. Eventually, after many weeks and baby steps, the child is walking further and further. Soon they are able to walk in a smooth flowing way. And so it is with you! What can you do to help yourself and others? What can you do to make a difference in the world? You may be doing what you can to support people in crisis in other parts of the world. There are those of you who contribute to your community. Some of you support family members in their time of need. And, some of you who do not know what or where to start to make a difference. If it seems too much to start in a big way to help others, start with yourself. Yes, start with you! When you make positive changes within you, those beautiful changes are reflected out into the world. They affect everyone you come into contact with. Let’s look at some practical “baby” steps you can take to make a difference in your life. Move your body . . . take a walk, dance with yourself, do T’ai Chi. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day. Quiet your mind. Meditate or sit in silence focused on your in breath and out breath. Before you get out of bed each day, decide that you are going to make it a good day. Stop beating yourself up when you believe you have made a mistake or messed up. Stop the negative self-talk! Quiet your mind that won’t stop putting you down. Pay attention to what you are thinking and saying about yourself. Taking care of yourself is not selfish. Many of you were taught that you must put others first and not even think of doing something for yourself. Even as a parent, you have got to take care of yourself so you can be present and help your children. Give yourself permission to do for you first. Fill up your cup so then you can let it flow out to others. Love yourself enough to take care of you. You are the only person you can count on for the rest of your life. If you aren’t taking care of yourself in a way that is loving and kind, why not start now with “baby steps”. Pick even one thing you can start doing for yourself and do that for a week. See how you feel after that week. Those of you already doing things to take care of yourself, what can you do to take what you do to the next level? The more you take steps and do this on a regular basis, the sooner you will be able to walk in a place of feeling good. When you feel good about yourself, you're in a high vibrational state. This lifts up everyone around you. When you do what is best for you, it is good for everyone. Believe it or not, those baby steps you take to change yourself can make a difference in the world! Like ripples on the pond after a rock is thrown into the water, the changes you make go out from you in all directions. Baby steps can be that powerful! What are you waiting for? Take that first step. You can do this! Thank you for sharing, liking and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you be the best version of YOU! For more information, click the button below.
Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties. ~ Helen Keller When was the last time you did something purely for the joy of it? That’s right, just for the joy of it. Not because you had to do something, or you felt you should do something, or it is what everyone wanted to do. How long has it been since you decided that you would do something because you knew it would bring you great joy? What is joy? As defined in Oxford's English dictionary, joy is “a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.” Joy can be any level of happiness. It is a feel-good emotion. I bet most of you reading this right now would like to feel happier no matter how happy you are! It seems as though joy is not as evident in our world as it used to be. So much going on with national and international events that causes joy to take a back seat in day-to-day life. What if you could have more joy in your life? Some of you have a great deal going on in your life that may seem far away from anything joyful. Sometimes you can get so far into the rabbit hole that you can’t see a way out. That is where joy can come in and help you. No matter what is happening, I guarantee that you can find joy regardless how small it may seem. Take off the glasses of darkness and look through your eyes in a new way. You can find a way to bring joy to any moment to help you climb out of the hole you may have fallen into. I bet you are thinking to yourself that you don’t know how or what to do. Understandable! Start small to bring in even one ray of joy into your life. Take five minutes to go outside and stand barefoot on the grass. Be childlike. Feel the coolness of the grass and how it feels between your toes. Face the sun. Feel the warmth of the sun entering your body from above while the coolness of the grass and ground are coming into you from below. Feel the joy of that! No matter what your age is, there are experiences, people, and things that have brought you joy. If it has been a while since you have felt joy, reflect on how you did feel the last time you felt joy. Sit in the feeling of that joy. Even experiencing joy again like this is beneficial. Reflecting on what has brought you joy in the past may help you understand what you can do in the present to bring joy back into your life. Even if you are an adult, it is okay to do some of the things that brought you joy when you were young. Did you like to paint with watercolors or bake with your mom? Did you love being outside riding your bike all day? Perhaps now you can do some of these things again. Maybe it is time to find new ways to bring joy into your life. What do you feel you could do to bring joy into your life in a different way? Consider all the things that bring a smile to your face or cause your heart to be full just from thinking about them. Give yourself permission to try something new. Regardless of what is happening around you and, in the world, it is a gift that you give everyone when you are happy. It is not selfish! Rather, it is beneficial for everyone around you. Your happiness may be just what someone needed to get out of the hole they found themselves in. Finding your joy is something currently needed on this planet. Happiness and joy are high frequency feelings that lift up all who experience it. Your joy does and will have an impact on everyone and everything on the Earth. Do it for the joy of it. Thank you for sharing, liking and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you be the best version of YOU! For more information, click the button below.
The whole universe, in its essential nature, is the movement of energy and information. ~ Deepak Chopra How are you feeling? No, really. How are you feeling physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually? If you haven’t checked in with yourself lately, take a few minutes and check how you are feeling right now. I’m asking you this because as I work with people, I often see a pattern of what is affecting them and their comparable symptoms. Someone in Florida may have similar symptoms as someone in Canada. They will voice a concern that something is wrong with them and many times, they are affected by the energies just like someone who is affected in another part of the world. Everything is energy. The past couple of years have affected everyone and even now, there continues to be so much going on in the world. Because you are energy, you are affected by everything that is going on in the world no matter where you live. Let’s look at an example. Have you ever spoken with someone and after the conversation ends, you walk away feeling drained or tired? You have energy fields around your body that touch the energy fields of the person you were speaking with even if you never physically touched them. When your energy fields touch, there is an exchange of energy. The person may have subconsciously taken more energy from you than they gave to you. There are other factors that influences how you feel. One is the vibration of the Earth. Scientist have been reliably tracking the Schumann Resonance of the Earth since the early 1960s. This frequency normally occurs around 7.83 Hz. In recent years, that frequency has been recorded much higher. You live on the Earth so therefore you are affected by the frequency of the Earth as it rises and falls. Another influence is solar activity. It has increased over the past few years which affects all of us. Some examples of solar activity are solar flares, high-speed solar winds, and solar energetic particles. NASA tracks solar activity and usually 1-3 days later, we are getting hit by energies from the sun they have monitored coming to the Earth. This affects you on several layers and your body especially has to adapt and adjust to the energies. It is very easy to pick up on the energies of other people or events that happen halfway around the world. You may not even be conscious of what is happening, but it affects you. It is spoken of as the “mass consciousness”. Everyone’s feelings and thoughts are energetically sent out from them. All this energy ends up in the mass consciousness. You may be affected by these energies. Why am I writing about this? I’m sharing this information with you as tools for you to use when you are not feeling well. Perhaps you can check the Schumann Resonance of the Earth on that day. Or check online to read the NASA reports about solar activity. Are these energies possibly contributing to how you are feeling? Of course, this is not medical advice so check with your doctor if that is what you feel is best for you. There will continue to be changes physically and energetically on this Earth in the years to come. Your body needs for you to support it. Right now, more than ever, it is important for you to take good care of yourself. Drink at least half your body weight in ounces of good water every day. Slow down and breath. When you feel stressed or “off”, take three slow deep breaths. This will reset your vibration and frequency. The hardest one for most of you to do is rest, rest, rest. Resting allows your body to rejuvenate and heal itself. If you are busy “doing” and not resting, your body is using its energy to do what it is you are doing. It will not have the energy it needs to heal. Those of you who read my blog every month may feel the difference in this blog. It is more informational and written to help you as we all go through these changes. Please consider in the coming week to make yourself a priority on your “to do” list. Do it for you . . . do it for everyone in your life! Thank you for sharing, liking and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you be the best version of YOU! For more information, click the button below.
Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. ~ Rumi Have you found yourself wondering when things will settle down in the world, in your life? So much going on the last two years and in some ways, it seems like there is even more happening now. You may find yourself getting overwhelmed. You're not sure what to do. Keep reading and perhaps you will find some ideas to help you and others. Even if you feel like you are in a good place in your life, you are affected by everyone and everything that is going on around you. Why is that? Energy! You are energy. Food is energy. Your thoughts are energy. The trees, flowers, animals . . . everything and everyone is made up of energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed: it can only be changed from one form to another. ~ Albert Einstein When there is something going on in your life or halfway around the world, you pick up on the energies of all of that. Since everything is made of energy, there is a frequency vibration that you can feel or sense that affects you and your energy. Let’s look at an example. Have you talked with someone and as you walk away after the conversation ends, you feel completely exhausted and drained? Each one of you has energy fields around your physical body. Even if the person never touched you, chances are great that your energy fields were mingling together. The person probably didn’t consciously realize it, but they drained your energy. Thus, the exhaustion when you walked away from them. It can be overwhelming what is happening around you and, in the world. Let’s look at what you can do to help yourself and make a difference in the world. The first step is to realize it all starts with you! You can start by making changes with you. Can you see if you change, it is a gift you give not only to yourself but to everyone around you! There is nothing selfish about changing your frequency to that of self-love, well-being, joy and peace. As you raise your vibration and frequency, that goes out to everyone and everything around you. It touches them energetically and they are uplifted. It continues through them to others. You are like the pebble thrown in the pond . . . the ripples of change go out from you! We cannot all do great things. But we can do small things with great love. ~ Mother Teresa Let’s look at some simple things you can do to raise your vibration and frequency. By doing even one or two of these every day, you will be affecting great change. Don’t underestimate the difference you can make in the world by doing small things to uplift you and others. Simple Things that Make a Difference
Can you see how you can make a difference by doing these things? This list is only a starting point. Once you get started, perhaps many more ideas will come to you as to what you can do to make a difference. Not only will you feel better, but someone somewhere is going to feel better energetically because of what you did! Thank you for making a difference in the world! Thank you for sharing, liking and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you be the best version of YOU! For more information, click the button below.
Only do what your heart tells you. ~ Princess Diana During February, especially the first couple of weeks leading up to February 14th, people seem to be focused on love. When you see a red heart, what is one of the first things you think about? I bet it is love. But do you ever think about living from your heart? Many of you have been conditioned to think about this or that since a very early age. Some of you think and rethink about things till you fall off the hamster wheel from exhaustion going round and round thinking so much! You might even get a headache from thinking so much! At other times it gets to be too much, so you give in and make any decision just to move on with your day. Don’t get me wrong. It’s important to use your brain to help you navigate through life. It is amazing how many decisions you make in one day! You probably aren’t even conscious of all the decisions you make. It’s so automatic. Is this you? You gather information to help you decide what you might do. Then you think about the information as it relates to what you want to do. (Or maybe you don’t even gather any information to make a decision!) Finally, you decide yes or no and move on from your decision. I know it can be more complicated than these few steps but basically, that’s it! Sometimes fear stops you. Maybe you are one of the people who get caught on that hamster wheel I mentioned earlier. Perhaps you put off making a decision because it is too uncomfortable for you to decide one way or the other. What if, instead, you lived from your heart when making a decision? Rather than thinking about what to do, you “feel” into what to do. In other words, you let your feelings be the GPS that helps you make decisions. I know for some of you, this goes totally against what you were taught and conditioned to believe. I’m not saying to stop thinking about everything, just stop and feel into things first and then figure out your plan for moving forward with your decision. Let’s look at an example of what I am talking about. You have had a very busy week at work and home, and you have had no “down time” or alone time. On Friday you marked out time on your calendar to do something for you by yourself. No interruptions and with time to focus on recharging your batteries. A friend texts you Friday morning and asks you to meet for lunch. You haven’t seen your friend in a long time. You think about how you “should” have lunch with them and then start to feel guilty if you don’t. That is when you stop thinking about what to do and feel into what you want to do. All you need to do is take a deep breath and drop into your heart center. Here in that special place that is connected to your inner guidance system, you feel into what is best for you to do about lunch. Simply ask yourself “How do I feel about going to lunch with my friend?” If you feel excited to spend time with your friend, then go to lunch. If you get a pit in your stomach or a heavy feeling when you ask yourself the “feeling” question, then don’t go to lunch. Once you feel into your decision, then you can think about how to carry out your decision. If you go to lunch with your friend, you can figure out a time to reschedule your “alone” time. If you decide not to go to lunch with your friend, then you can think about how to tell your friend. Let your friend know that you have other plans at lunchtime and can’t make it. You’re not lying, and you can always ask them for a “rain check” to have lunch at a later date. For the next few days when you must decide what to do about something, try feeling into it rather than thinking about it. For example, what to eat for breakfast, what clothes to wear today or what errands to run. Start with the small, everyday things first. When you are comfortable with using this method to make decisions, then you can use it for making decisions about anything in your life – big or small! Your feelings won’t mislead you. The more you do this, the better you will get at making decisions that are best for you! And, when you do what is right for you coming from a place of love, it is right for everyone around you. Happy heart month . . . happy heart year! Thank you for sharing, liking and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you be the best version of YOU! For more information, click the button below.
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer It has been a long time since I visited with all of you. How is it possible that it has been almost a year since I wrote my last blog? Time seemed to be speeded up with the world spinning in so much chaos. I am sure that each one of you reading this has had your life impacted in many ways in the past year. It’s easy to get caught up in the chaos and drama if you aren’t careful. Hard not to! Jobs changing, weather conditions out of control, relationships ending, people passing, and the daily way of life forever changing. We are all affected. This past year I had to continually find a balance between working, “doing” and taking care of me. I love what I do and with many people asking for help, some days I didn’t quite find that balance. I realized I had to prioritize my life and make me my #1 priority. Something I asked clients to consider, so I had to do what was best for me also. I shifted things on my “to do” list and thus the hiatus from writing. I have taken time for self-love and self-care during these past months. I have come to a sense of peace as events unfold in my life. I am now in a place of harmony with the different aspects of my life. It feels good to be writing again! Everything may not always be in balance in our life but we can find a way to harmonize them. It’s all about your perspective. Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” I have found this to be true. I can find good in some of the most horrific things that have happened to me. Really! I mean that sincerely! How are you looking at things in your life? Are you seeing the glass as half full or half empty? Can you change your perspective? Are you a “half full” kind of person who looks for the positive no matter what is happening? We all do it. Something challenging happens in our life and we get caught up in thinking negatively about it. Then we have negative things to say about what happened. Then we believe the negative thoughts and words. Soon this negativity bleeds over into other areas of our life if we are not careful to stop ourselves. We are all aware of the negative or “bad” things that happen every day. We are constantly reminded through all forms of media. What if for every “not so wonderful” thing you hear or read about, you look for five wonderful and beautiful things that are happening? You create more of what you focus on. Want more negativity in your life? Focus on all the negativity that is going on around you and out in the world. Want to be more positive and live life experiencing more good, then look for kindness, love, compassion, patience, generosity, happiness, joy and thoughtfulness every where you go. You can change your perspective as simply as taking a deep breath and choosing to look at what is happening in front of you in a completely different way. Can you be open to other possibilities for what you are experiencing? Let go of past conditioning and beliefs and open yourself to the world that is full of many perspectives, options, and possibilities. Are you ready to be open to other ways of being? Commit to looking at everything in your life through a new set of eyes. What can you change or what can you let go of? Being willing to change your perspective, gives you permission to see differently. Perhaps something wonderful has been right there in plain view every day but your current perspective has caused you not to see it. Changing your point of view even a little bit could make a major difference in your life. Happy New Year . . . Happy New You! Thank you for sharing, liking and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you be the best version of YOU! For more information, click the button below.
As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others. ~ Maya Angelo I’m sure you are thinking . . . Living Life as a Teacup? What does that mean? Stick with me and I’ll explain. Do you find yourself in a place of helping others? Many of you naturally help others in your family. You may help people in your line of work. Perhaps you volunteer. Maybe you are the one everyone goes to because they know you will get done whatever needs to get done! Some days it may seem like all you do is take care of your children or do things for your spouse or partner. Then there are those of you who are taking care of ill parents. What about all the people at work or in your community that you help? The list goes on and on as to all the people in your life that you are helping on a daily basis. I am amazed at all that you do to help others! We certainly need that in the world perhaps more than ever. And yet, at what expense to yourself are you helping others? Don’t get me wrong. I feel it is important to help others! We certainly need to be helping each other during these unprecedented times. I would ask you to pause reading this for a minute though, and ask yourself when was the last time you took care of yourself. Yes, you. When was the last time you did something for YOU? If the answer is yesterday, I congratulate you! If you can’t remember when was the last time you did something for you, then let’s look at that. I can hear what you are thinking or saying. “I don’t have time to do anything for me because I’m so busy taking care of my child or my mother or I’m working 10-hour shifts.” I understand you are busy and have responsibilities. Maybe it is time to look at that list of responsibilities and see if you need to change some of the priorities. You must be your #1 priority! You can’t be second or tenth on your list of priorities. If you don’t take care of you, how can you take care of anyone else? As you continue giving and doing, at some point your body or mind will say “enough is enough”! You will be forced to stop to take care of you. Now would be a good time to get back to the teacup. I use to say “You need to fill your cup up first and then let the extra overflow to others.” When you are filled with energy, good health and a positive attitude, then you can share the excess with others. Then I spoke with a very wise person who said to me that I give so much to others that I need to serve others from my “saucer”. I didn’t know what she meant. She explained that I need to think of myself as a beautiful teacup sitting on a saucer. She told me that I could fill my cup up first and then let the excess spill over to the saucer. And the excess in the saucer is what I was to give to others. Not a continual flow out of my cup to others that I constantly had to keep flowing. Some of you may feel this is selfish or you can’t do this. When you take care of you, it helps everyone around you. You are a better mother or spouse or son or co-worker. Think what this world would be like if we each took care of ourselves! I challenge you to find a way to give to yourself first before others. It would be ideal if you could do something every day but if that seems too big of a challenge, then do at least one thing this week for you. If you feel in your busy life that it is impossible to find time in the day for yourself, then get up 30 minutes early, take 30 minutes during your lunch hour or 30 minutes before you go to bed. Make yourself a priority! You matter and you are deserving of it. If you don’t do it for you, who will? Time to become the teacup, fill your cup up first and let the excess flow into your saucer. Do it for you. Do it for everyone in your life. Thank you for sharing, liking and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you be the best version of YOU! For more information, click the button below.
If you don’t love yourself, nobody will. Not only that, you won’t be good at loving anyone else. Loving starts with the self. ~ Wayne Dyer Can someone please tell me? What does it mean when they say the word . . . self-love? I know how to love others. I love my family. My parents who raised me, my siblings who grew up with me. My spouse of all these years, and . . . my beautiful children. How can I love myself? What does it mean, what does that look like . . . self-love? I’m told it is important. All these years of loving others. That’s what I was told was necessary, that’s what I was made to believe. Always do for others and never . . . take time for yourself. How do I unlearn all the truths no longer mine? I was told it was selfish to take time for me. Old beliefs must be released . . . self-love. How can I make myself a priority? It feels so foreign to take time for me. Five minutes of quiet deep breathing, and time long overdue to . . . read a favorite book. Can I do this for me? One step at a time to become stronger within . . . self-love. I do this for me, I do this for you. As I learn how to love and experience love of myself, I am better able to love . . . everyone, including you. Will you do this also? Give yourself permission Know you are deserving and worthy . . . time for yourself. Do this for you, do this for others. Love yourself fully and completely. Know that you are special and loved more than you could know. . . self-love. We all can do this. Love starts with me and doesn’t end with you . . . self-love. Love of self and love of others. A gift you give yourself and all others. The gift of self-love that turns into love of others . . . self-love and love. What a treasured gift . . . self-love. Thank you for sharing, liking and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you be the best version of YOU! For more information, click the button below.
The power you have is to be the best version of yourself you can be, so you can create a better world. ~Ashley Rickards Change . . . the only constant in life. I look around And everything is changing . . . Everywhere. What does this mean for me? I am scared I feel paralyzed Not knowing what to do. Where to turn . . . How to move forward with my life. I feel the changes Within me Around me . . . Out in the world. Great resistance in the mass consciousness. Change can be difficult . . . Especially if there is resistance. Adapting and adjusting can be hard It’s all in the mindset. How to flow with the changes? The change begins with me. Recognizing it is time . . . To change Beliefs and conditioning that are long outdated. It all begins with that first step. No more hiding No more running No more avoiding. If I change myself . . . It changes the world. I will find the courage to take that step. First looking within . . . What beliefs are not mine What is my truth? Time to find the strength to begin. I am but one person . . . Change can start with me. One step at a time Walking the path of transformation I have the power to affect great change! What will my future hold? If I look too far ahead So much unknown . . . No guarantees. I stay in the present moment. In the NOW I know what is happening. I can make choices . . . See the results And affect change. I am the creator of my life! Now as I look within and around me Everything is changing And I feel . . . Empowered! Thank you for sharing, liking and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you be the best version of YOU! For more information, click the button below.
The true essence of the soul is revealing when we embrace the light and the shadows within ourselves. ~ Dee Waldeck I look into the shadows. Not a place I often go, Sometimes too scary And difficult to see within. I know it is time to embrace the shadows. Rather than look with my eyes, I feel into the shadows with my heart. I don’t like what I feel, And yet I know that I must Consider all the shadows. It is time to acknowledge the darkness. I’ve carried these shadows For longer than I care to Unknowingly some within my subconscious. I’ve allowed the shadows to control me. This part of me buried deeply That I do not want to look at And that which does not want me to find. Time to release that control over me, To let go of what no longer serves who I am. What lurks in the shadows? The part of me that is not so nice, Ready for me to love it And give it some light. Not proud of what I find within me. I know what I find Has been a part of me Not the part I am on the surface But the part of me That often cries from deep within. All the shadow wanted was to be recognized. I ignored the darkness So it grew even stronger Trying harder for me to see it. Too painful for me to look at it. The shadows darker than I expected, The fear of what I would find, Paralyzing me. Not able to even glance at the shadows Nor go within them. I know it is time for me to be strong. I face the inner darkness Not always easy But oh, so revealing. I find appreciation for the shadows. It is time to give thanks For the darkness contrasts the light. Time to let go of the shadow side To allow for more light For me to fully shine the light from within. I look into the shadows. The place I now gladly go For great inner change Can happen there. Thankful! Thank you for sharing, liking and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you be the best version of YOU! For more information, click the button below.
Each of us has an inner room where we can visit to be cleansed of fear-based thoughts and feelings. This room, the holy of holies, is a sanctuary of light. ~ Marianne Williamson How are you doing? Have you checked in with yourself lately? I mean “really checked in with yourself”. So much going on in the world, around you and within you. It's hard not to be feeling some level of stress and anxiety. Take a moment or two and really check in with yourself. Can you even put into words what you are feeling? Confusion, uneasiness, calmness within the storm, numbness? Some of you have said you are grateful for the time home with family and living a slower pace life with less or no rushing around in “busy-ness”. You might also be in a place of uncertainty, overwhelm, sadness, shock, grief, depression or fear. F. E. A. R. is a big one . . . it encompasses so many other feelings Whatever you might be feeling, please do yourself a favor and feel what you are feeling! Take time to look at what feelings and emotions are coming up for you. It can actually be harmful on many levels of you, especially emotionally and physically, when you ignore your feelings and stuff them. Rather than “stuff” these feelings, acknowledge them, feel them and then release them so they no longer hold you back. Many of you have told me that “old” feelings, triggers and programs are coming up. Again, a lot of emotional baggage is ready to be cleared and released. It is a time of great change and it all starts with you. There is no right or wrong way to feel or “be” during this unprecedented time on Earth. It’s okay not to be okay! There are days you can accomplish more than you did the entire previous week! Some days you can’t do anything but rest, even after sleeping through the night. You just have to honor what your body is telling you and how you feel. All of this is part of you becoming the new you in the new world. I heard from several of you that you can’t wait to get back to normal. My response has been and continues to be “the world will not get back to normal as we knew it.” We may have a new normal but we won’t go back to the old normal. For all our sakes, I pray the world doesn’t go back to the way it was! What would your ideal world look like? If you could, what kind of world would you like to wake up to tomorrow morning? What role would you have in this world? There are so many possibilities and potentials for your life and planet Earth. It starts with each one of us. This virus was a wake-up call for all of humanity. As difficult as it has been for many people, it has been a blessing in disguise. It has caused us as a collective to look at what we hold to be true for us as individuals and as a society. Have you taken time to examine what is true for you? If so, great! Are you fully committed to living in your truth? If not, it may time to check in with yourself and decide what is true for you! Thank you for sharing, liking and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you be the best version of YOU! For more information, click the button below.
It is only in our darkest hours that we may discover the true strength of the brilliant light within ourselves that can never, ever, be dimmed. ~ Doe Zantamat As I sit here doing my best to find the words to convey what a lot of us are experiencing and feeling, I just can’t seem to find the right words. It’s so much more than the virus that is affecting us. So many things happening individually and as a collective. Each one of you is having your own unique experience in these unsettling times. Some of you have lost your job and are uncertain when and if you will be able to return to work. Some of you are working from home, adapting to a new way of being “in” the workplace. Many, if not most of you, are home because your state has issued a “stay at home” order or something similar. This can be a very scary time. There is so much fear on the Earth right now . . . not just where you live but around the world! This is hard on everyone. You can sense it in the collective. We are living through a huge wakeup call for all of humanity. I hear some of you say “I can’t wait till this all blows over and we can get back to normal." What is normal? I have said for many years that everything is changing. Here we are. Welcome to change! I believe all of this will cause us to have a “new” normal. Most of you have had your day-to-day life and schedule completely turned upside down. Many of you have more time at home. Depending upon your perspective, this time at home can be a challenge or a gift. With this extra time at home, what are you doing on a daily basis? Are you glued to the TV hanging on every word that is said and that causes more fear within you? Do you find yourself in your mind thinking and rethinking about what the future will bring? Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it or work around it. ~ Michael Jordan With a large number of you at home with family, there are different and perhaps more demands put on parents than when your children were attending school. As much as you love your children, you can’t lose yourself in taking care of them. You can’t forget about you and what you need. Now more than ever, it is so important to take care of yourself. Those of you who follow my blog, know I have written many times about making YOU your #1 priority. Self-care is so important! If you don’t take care of you, you won’t be able to take care of anyone else. Many of you are doing a good job coping and even exceling during this time. You are decluttering and repairing your home. Depending what part of the country you live in, you may be working in your yard and clearing it for new growth this spring. You are finding new ways to exercise at home. Perhaps you have found a new way to video chat with friends and family in other parts of the world as a new way of keeping in touch. Some of you are bringing forth creative talents you’ve always had but may have been hidden. You are writing that book you never had time to write. I’ve seen many beautiful paintings and craft projects displayed online. You may be finding that inner chef and baker that you didn’t realize you were all these years! These creative projects add so much to uplift all of us. Tough times never last, but tough people do. ~ Robert H Schulle During this time of slowdown and isolation, give yourself the gift of taking care of all of you . . . physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Find time to go within and look at what truly matters to you. Deep within you is your true essence, who you really are. It’s time for your hidden gifts and talents to come forth. You can also take care of you by staying in the present moment. When you find yourself scared of getting sick or wondering what the future will bring, bring yourself back to the NOW moment. In that moment, find something to be grateful for. When you are in a place of gratitude, it changes everything. One moment of gratitude can lead to another moment and another. Soon you will find that you have much to be grateful for. In that moment, you are alive and can trust that we are all going to be okay . . . no matter what that looks like and no matter the outcome. If at times you find all of this to be more than you can bare, remember that you are not the only one experiencing this. You are not alone. We are all going through this. And, together, we will come out the other side of this unprecedented time on Earth! Thank you for sharing, liking and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you be the best version of YOU! For more information, click the button below.
The two things in life you are in total control over are your attitude and effort. ~ Billy Cox How is your world? Is your life flowing and are you moving through your day with ease? If you answered “yes,” I’m excited for you! And, I want to thank you for living your life that way as it is helpful to all those around you as well. Then there are those of you that feel you have good days and some days that are not so good. I would also guess that some of you reading this don’t feel like anything works out for you and you struggle on many days. You may feel like pulling the covers over your head when the alarm goes off in the morning. No matter how you feel each day, wherever you are living, you know that things are not as they use to be. Everything is different, changing in ways that are hard to describe, yet you know they are different. Often it is difficult to know how to get through what shows up for you in your daily life. Many people believe they can control what is happening in their life. To a certain extent, I believe we create some or all of our life events and experiences. And yet, we can have something happen that we know we would never have created that throws us completely off our path! We immediately think “Where did that come from and why me?” I had an experience last month that reminded me of this! I was feeling better than I ever have in my entire life. Yes, really, the best ever! I was eating healthy, exercising, sleeping well, my body was moving better than I had ever experienced. I just felt good on all levels of me. Then, boom! Out of nowhere, I got hit by a virus that knocked me flat on my back for a week!!! It was then that I realized that I can’t control everything. I thought I was doing all the right things to be healthy and feel good. Then I get sick and I knew that, for whatever reason, some things are out of my control – they are uncontrollable. You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you. ~ Brian Tracy This illness reminded me that I can control my attitude about what is happening in any moment. My attitude is a “controllable” and that no one but me can control it. Regardless of what is happening in my life, I can choose a positive or negative attitude about it. This experience also helped me see that a great deal of time and energy can be spent on things that are uncontrollable. I would rather devote my time and energy on something controllable than try to control and predict an outcome for an uncontrollable in my life. Letting go of what is uncontrollable is actually less stressful and very free-ing! Are there things in your life that you feel you must control that really are uncontrollable? Take time to review the last week or month. See if there are some things that you can let go of that really are out of your control. Let them go and see if a burden is lifted from you that you no longer need to carry. As things continue to change in your world, find ways to make life easier for you. Realize that you can let go of what is uncontrollable. Let go of what really doesn’t matter and focus on what does matter . . . YOU! Thank you for liking, sharing and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you live a life you love! For more information, click the button below.
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