Each of us has an inner room where we can visit to be cleansed of fear-based thoughts and feelings. This room, the holy of holies, is a sanctuary of light. ~ Marianne Williamson How are you doing? Have you checked in with yourself lately? I mean “really checked in with yourself”. So much going on in the world, around you and within you. It's hard not to be feeling some level of stress and anxiety. Take a moment or two and really check in with yourself. Can you even put into words what you are feeling? Confusion, uneasiness, calmness within the storm, numbness? Some of you have said you are grateful for the time home with family and living a slower pace life with less or no rushing around in “busy-ness”. You might also be in a place of uncertainty, overwhelm, sadness, shock, grief, depression or fear. F. E. A. R. is a big one . . . it encompasses so many other feelings Whatever you might be feeling, please do yourself a favor and feel what you are feeling! Take time to look at what feelings and emotions are coming up for you. It can actually be harmful on many levels of you, especially emotionally and physically, when you ignore your feelings and stuff them. Rather than “stuff” these feelings, acknowledge them, feel them and then release them so they no longer hold you back. Many of you have told me that “old” feelings, triggers and programs are coming up. Again, a lot of emotional baggage is ready to be cleared and released. It is a time of great change and it all starts with you. There is no right or wrong way to feel or “be” during this unprecedented time on Earth. It’s okay not to be okay! There are days you can accomplish more than you did the entire previous week! Some days you can’t do anything but rest, even after sleeping through the night. You just have to honor what your body is telling you and how you feel. All of this is part of you becoming the new you in the new world. I heard from several of you that you can’t wait to get back to normal. My response has been and continues to be “the world will not get back to normal as we knew it.” We may have a new normal but we won’t go back to the old normal. For all our sakes, I pray the world doesn’t go back to the way it was! What would your ideal world look like? If you could, what kind of world would you like to wake up to tomorrow morning? What role would you have in this world? There are so many possibilities and potentials for your life and planet Earth. It starts with each one of us. This virus was a wake-up call for all of humanity. As difficult as it has been for many people, it has been a blessing in disguise. It has caused us as a collective to look at what we hold to be true for us as individuals and as a society. Have you taken time to examine what is true for you? If so, great! Are you fully committed to living in your truth? If not, it may time to check in with yourself and decide what is true for you! Thank you for sharing, liking and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you be the best version of YOU! For more information, click the button below.
If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you’ll see obstacles. ~ Wayne Dyer So much happening. Around me, Within me, And in the world. I sense a myriad of emotions in the collective. Overwhelming fear, Unending anxiety, Deep sadness, Rising anger, Grief. What will the future hold? No one knows, Considerable uncertainty, Nothing seems as if it will be the same. I sit in isolation. Missing the physical connection with family and friends, I see their faces on the screen And hear their voices through the speaker. I miss the hugs, held tight to one another And kisses upon my cheek. An angel lands upon my shoulder. I hear a whisper in my ear, "Time to look through your eyes With a different perspective." I ask for clarity. "When you focus on the negative, You will see negative, Feel bad, Not be able to move forward And do what you came here to do. Look for the good. In others, Within you, In everything that is happening." I take a deep breath. Adjust my focus, Change my perspective, See the goodness in humanity, Notice the kind words And selfless actions. I see the good being done by many. I begin to feel better, I want to help others, My inner light begins to shine. I realize I am not alone in isolation. I can reach out and connect with others, In their time of need Or as they are in service. I, too, am part of the community As we all go through this experience together. All we have is the present moment. Of this I can be certain, Staying in the here and now, Creating my future. I sense new feelings within me. Strength from deep within, Hope abounds, Compassion, for me and for everyone, Peace and calmness, And, most of all . . . love. So much happening. Around me, Within me, And in the world. Grateful! Thank you for sharing, liking and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you be the best version of YOU! For more information, click the button below.
It is only in our darkest hours that we may discover the true strength of the brilliant light within ourselves that can never, ever, be dimmed. ~ Doe Zantamat As I sit here doing my best to find the words to convey what a lot of us are experiencing and feeling, I just can’t seem to find the right words. It’s so much more than the virus that is affecting us. So many things happening individually and as a collective. Each one of you is having your own unique experience in these unsettling times. Some of you have lost your job and are uncertain when and if you will be able to return to work. Some of you are working from home, adapting to a new way of being “in” the workplace. Many, if not most of you, are home because your state has issued a “stay at home” order or something similar. This can be a very scary time. There is so much fear on the Earth right now . . . not just where you live but around the world! This is hard on everyone. You can sense it in the collective. We are living through a huge wakeup call for all of humanity. I hear some of you say “I can’t wait till this all blows over and we can get back to normal." What is normal? I have said for many years that everything is changing. Here we are. Welcome to change! I believe all of this will cause us to have a “new” normal. Most of you have had your day-to-day life and schedule completely turned upside down. Many of you have more time at home. Depending upon your perspective, this time at home can be a challenge or a gift. With this extra time at home, what are you doing on a daily basis? Are you glued to the TV hanging on every word that is said and that causes more fear within you? Do you find yourself in your mind thinking and rethinking about what the future will bring? Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it or work around it. ~ Michael Jordan With a large number of you at home with family, there are different and perhaps more demands put on parents than when your children were attending school. As much as you love your children, you can’t lose yourself in taking care of them. You can’t forget about you and what you need. Now more than ever, it is so important to take care of yourself. Those of you who follow my blog, know I have written many times about making YOU your #1 priority. Self-care is so important! If you don’t take care of you, you won’t be able to take care of anyone else. Many of you are doing a good job coping and even exceling during this time. You are decluttering and repairing your home. Depending what part of the country you live in, you may be working in your yard and clearing it for new growth this spring. You are finding new ways to exercise at home. Perhaps you have found a new way to video chat with friends and family in other parts of the world as a new way of keeping in touch. Some of you are bringing forth creative talents you’ve always had but may have been hidden. You are writing that book you never had time to write. I’ve seen many beautiful paintings and craft projects displayed online. You may be finding that inner chef and baker that you didn’t realize you were all these years! These creative projects add so much to uplift all of us. Tough times never last, but tough people do. ~ Robert H Schulle During this time of slowdown and isolation, give yourself the gift of taking care of all of you . . . physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Find time to go within and look at what truly matters to you. Deep within you is your true essence, who you really are. It’s time for your hidden gifts and talents to come forth. You can also take care of you by staying in the present moment. When you find yourself scared of getting sick or wondering what the future will bring, bring yourself back to the NOW moment. In that moment, find something to be grateful for. When you are in a place of gratitude, it changes everything. One moment of gratitude can lead to another moment and another. Soon you will find that you have much to be grateful for. In that moment, you are alive and can trust that we are all going to be okay . . . no matter what that looks like and no matter the outcome. If at times you find all of this to be more than you can bare, remember that you are not the only one experiencing this. You are not alone. We are all going through this. And, together, we will come out the other side of this unprecedented time on Earth! Thank you for sharing, liking and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you be the best version of YOU! For more information, click the button below.
The two things in life you are in total control over are your attitude and effort. ~ Billy Cox How is your world? Is your life flowing and are you moving through your day with ease? If you answered “yes,” I’m excited for you! And, I want to thank you for living your life that way as it is helpful to all those around you as well. Then there are those of you that feel you have good days and some days that are not so good. I would also guess that some of you reading this don’t feel like anything works out for you and you struggle on many days. You may feel like pulling the covers over your head when the alarm goes off in the morning. No matter how you feel each day, wherever you are living, you know that things are not as they use to be. Everything is different, changing in ways that are hard to describe, yet you know they are different. Often it is difficult to know how to get through what shows up for you in your daily life. Many people believe they can control what is happening in their life. To a certain extent, I believe we create some or all of our life events and experiences. And yet, we can have something happen that we know we would never have created that throws us completely off our path! We immediately think “Where did that come from and why me?” I had an experience last month that reminded me of this! I was feeling better than I ever have in my entire life. Yes, really, the best ever! I was eating healthy, exercising, sleeping well, my body was moving better than I had ever experienced. I just felt good on all levels of me. Then, boom! Out of nowhere, I got hit by a virus that knocked me flat on my back for a week!!! It was then that I realized that I can’t control everything. I thought I was doing all the right things to be healthy and feel good. Then I get sick and I knew that, for whatever reason, some things are out of my control – they are uncontrollable. You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you. ~ Brian Tracy This illness reminded me that I can control my attitude about what is happening in any moment. My attitude is a “controllable” and that no one but me can control it. Regardless of what is happening in my life, I can choose a positive or negative attitude about it. This experience also helped me see that a great deal of time and energy can be spent on things that are uncontrollable. I would rather devote my time and energy on something controllable than try to control and predict an outcome for an uncontrollable in my life. Letting go of what is uncontrollable is actually less stressful and very free-ing! Are there things in your life that you feel you must control that really are uncontrollable? Take time to review the last week or month. See if there are some things that you can let go of that really are out of your control. Let them go and see if a burden is lifted from you that you no longer need to carry. As things continue to change in your world, find ways to make life easier for you. Realize that you can let go of what is uncontrollable. Let go of what really doesn’t matter and focus on what does matter . . . YOU! Thank you for liking, sharing and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you live a life you love! For more information, click the button below.
Only do what your heart tells you. ~ Princess Diana It has been an interesting start to 2020. There seems to be more excitement about the new year than any other year recently. I don’t know if it is because it’s a new decade or what! People seem ready for something new – individually and collectively. How are you doing in this new year? How are you feeling about the possibilities and potentials for this year? It can be exciting or scary because of the unknown but one thing is for sure . . . everything is changing! I’m sure you are aware that one of the most constant things in your life is change! With so much going on in the world and in your own life, it is time to get as comfortable as possible with change. Change is not always easy but, in the end, change can turn out to be very beneficial! Often without even realizing it, you get comfortable with where you are, doing what you do, being who you are. That’s beautiful and you can stay right there where you are . . . unless that’s really not who you are and what you are supposed to be doing! If that is true for you, you can make a change or often something will happen to cause you to make a change. Then there are many of you who are proactively choosing to make changes. That is fabulous! At times, though, you may feel like you have no choice in making a change, that outside forces are causing you to change. Regardless of how you make a change, you are still able to choose how you react to the change. You can resist the change or make the best of the change. If you are here on this Earth at this time, you are changing. There is no way you can be here and not feel the changes happening within and around you. Take a deep breath and take a moment to reflect on the past 5 years. How are you different? What changes have happened in your world and around the globe in the past 5 years that have affected you? Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ~ Albert Einstein Change is happening more rapidly than ever. You can’t keep doing things the old way and expect the old way to work in the world we are living in now. It is time to find a new way of doing things. Time for you to do and be in a more heart-centered way. Yes, you still have to use your brain but it is time for your brain to be more connected to your heart than ever before. Your decisions are made now from your heart with love, love for yourself and others. The changes you make when made from your heart are more likely to flow and feel good. When you are trying to make a decision, about anything, stop and see how your decision “feels” to you. What does your heart tell you? Ask yourself, “How do I feel about xyz?” Or, “How does xyz make me feel?” If it doesn’t feel right, make a different choice. If it feels good to you, follow through with your decision. When you make choices from the heart that feel good, change becomes that much easier. If you have been one of those people who resist change or have difficulty making decisions, maybe this new way of making decisions can help you to be more open and flowing with change. Making decisions from your heart may just bring you results better than you can imagine! Here’s to you having a heart centered start to the new year and new decade! Thank you for liking, sharing and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you live a life you love! For more information, click the button below.
There is one art of which people should be masters – the art of reflection. ~Samuel Coleridge It’s that time between Christmas and New Year’s where things slow down at the end of the year before the start of a new year. That feeling that you need to take a deep, long exhale after all that goes into the holiday planning and “doing”. You can finally catch your breath. It’s also the time of year when you tend to pause and reflect on the year that is almost completed. You look at where you have been, what you did, what you feel good about and maybe the things you don’t feel so good about. Some of you will also look at the upcoming year with great anticipation with what you want to accomplish in the new year. You may feel that it is more challenging to “exhale” at the end of this year than other years. 2019 was a challenging year. It turned us inside out while pushing and pulling us beyond our comfort zones. Collectively, out in the mass consciousness, there was so much going on while individually you felt changes in your own personal world. Regardless if you flowed with the changes or resisted them, you changed. When you take time to reflect on 2019, notice all the ways you changed from where you were a year ago. As many of you have observed, there is great change happening in governments, financial institutions, healthcare and other institutions in many countries. Around the world, no matter where you are, there is change in the air. It can be scary to watch these changes or be a part of them, and yet change can also be good. Changes have also happened in your own personal world this year. Jobs changing, moving to a new home, relationships ending, physical illness, or people dying and leaving you. As you reflect on the past year, you may know or feel differently about you . . . your beliefs, how you nurture yourself, your self-talk and how you love yourself. As changes happen in your external world, you can be sure there are internal changes happening at the same time or vice versa. If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living. ~ Gail Sheehy No matter what, it is my belief that there can be something good and wonderful in whatever is happening. It may not always be obvious that good can come from a dear person dying or losing a job that provides food for your children. It can be devastating! Yet, in that moment, can you look for all the possible good that may occur from what just happened? I know from personal experience what this can feel like. I have gone through some things that could have been overwhelming and destroyed my spirit. Many people would ask me “How are you able to function and be so positive with all that you are going through?” Without fail, I would look for the positive even in some of the most horrible situations. Not always easy to do, but that is how I got through difficult situations in my life. By focusing on the good, it made the bad not seem so bad. See if this helps you the next time you are faced with an upsetting situation. Take time to breathe. Get into your heart center and look for something, anything, no matter how small that is a “good” part of what just happened. Believe that something wonderful will happen from whatever you are experiencing. Focus on the beautiful possibilities that now have an opening to come to you because of what just happened. Maybe a friend heard about you losing your job and that very day, his boss made an announcement the company needs to hire more help. You apply and you get the job which is better than the job you lost. There is just no getting around that turning bad things into good things is up to you. ~Deepak Chopra 2020 can be a turning point year for you if you allow it to be. Not only is January the start of a new year, it is the start of a new decade! Yes, there is much out there in the world that doesn’t look so good. It’s all in your perception. What will you “see” when you reflect on 2019? In that reflection, can you then come up with a vision for what you want for you, your family, the world in 2020? Who do you want to be with all these changes that are happening? You each make a difference! Thank you for taking a long slow exhale at this time and reflecting on what you can do to make a difference in the world. This in turn helps everyone else. I am grateful for each one of you and what you are doing to make the world a better place. Blessings for a new year and new decade that is beyond anything you could imagine! Thank you for liking, sharing and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you live a life you love! For more information, click the button below.
Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give. ~ Ben Carson So often at this time of the year, your thoughts go to what gift will you give a friend or family member for the holiday. Or, maybe you have a “wish list” of what you would like to receive. Commercials and ads begin to run in October for the holiday buying season and it seems as though the holiday season is getting earlier and earlier in the year. What if this season you took time to give the greatest gift of all . . . the gift of you? No matter what your spending budget may be, the gift of you cost nothing but your time and effort. You have many gifts to offer others and these types of gifts are priceless! You may even want to reconsider your wish list. Rather than a material gift, there may be something that you want to do that would be easier with the help of another person. Many will feel honored that you considered them to help you with something. They are helping you and it is uplifting for them. That’s a gift that goes both ways! The act of giving to someone is just as important for the person giving the gift as the person receiving the gift. You may have a hard time accepting gifts, payments or acts of kindness from others. Many people do. When you don’t accept what someone wants to give you, then you are denying them the joy of giving to you. Accept the gift and allow them to experience the joy of giving! I believe that most people truly prefer the gift of you over anything material. If you are having a hard time thinking of what “gifts of you” that you could give to someone, let’s look at some possibilities.
Gifts are given more at this time of the year than any other time. What if this year, you started a new tradition of giving the gift of you? Maybe this type of gift giving will become so popular that the holiday gift season will be all year long! As you do this and model for others, think about all the ways you are making this a better world for everyone! You being YOU is a gift! Thank you for the gift of YOU. I am grateful for the gift of each one of you. Wishing you all the blessings and gifts of the season - joy, peace and especially . . . love. Thank you for liking, sharing and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you live a life you love! For more information, click the button below.
When you are grateful – when you can see what you have – you unlock blessings to flow in your life. ~ Suze Orman As I reflect on all that is happening in the world right now, I feel a deep gratitude for all of you who are making an effort, any effort, to be more authentic, more your true self. I would guess that those of you who are reading this feel the stress and pressure of living on Earth at this time. If you are not careful, you can get sucked right into the drama and chaos that is swirling around you, personally and out in the world. Nothing is as it once was. The world is changing at a rapid pace. I hear people say they don’t know what they are doing or where they are going. It is a confusing time to be alive and yet, it can be an exciting time to be alive!!! When you don’t know what to do, the one thing you can do is turn inward. Ask yourself what you can do for YOU in that moment. Many of you were taught to do for others, to put others first before yourself. You may have the belief that it is “selfish” to take care of you first. When flying on a plane with others, you are told to put your oxygen mask on before helping others. If you pass out from lack of oxygen, you won’t be able to help anyone! It is now known that when you give and give to others, you deplete your “reserves” and then there is nothing left for you. Imagine giving to yourself first, filling you up first, and then letting all the extra flow out from you to others! It is a more uplifting and less draining way of living. Please let me make it clear . . . I am not talking about you doing nothing for other people. I’m talking about finding a balance between doing for others and doing for you. This may be where you have to set boundaries and say “no” more often in order to take time for you. When you ignore you and your needs, wishes and desires, you are not helping anyone! Often without realizing it, you can become resentful, bitter and angry because you didn’t take time for you. Even if you think no one knows how you are feeling, your anger and resentfulness will be sent out in your energy frequency to everyone around you. They will feel it even if you do not verbalize how you are feeling! If you are thinking that there is no way you can take time for yourself in your busy day, I would encourage you to find ways to do even little things for you. Take a break, walk outside, clear your mind and get some fresh air for 5 minutes. Close the door of your office and sit for 5 minutes in silence and breathe deeply to reset yourself. Do something physical even if it is just walking up and down stairs for 5 minutes. Love yourself enough that you do something to show yourself that love. It can be anything big or small, just do something. Give yourself that gift. In this world that seems to demand so much from each of you, you must make it a priority to take care of YOU! At this time of year when people are especially in a thankful and grateful state of mind, I am grateful for each one of you and what you are doing for yourself. When you do what is right for you, it is right for everyone around you . . . including me. Thank you. I am grateful for the gift of you! Thank you for liking, sharing and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you live a life you love! For more information, click the button below.
Just like the seasons, people have the ability to change. ~ Laurie Buchanan It’s that time of year! The days are shorter and the feeling of fall is in the air. The fall harvest, and especially picking apples, remind me of my grandmother’s famous apple pie. Such fond memories! For some of you, where you live the leaves are changing colors. The trees will soon be shedding their leaves in preparation for the winter. This is a natural process for the trees to be ready in the spring for new growth. Fall brings a feeling of great change for many of you. Something about the rhythm of nature affects your biological and inner core rhythms. It gives you a time to “pause” and transition from the summer to winter. This natural rhythm of the seasons reminds you of what you can do to prepare yourself for change. What can you shed to get ready for the next season in your life? Are there old tapes, beliefs or ways of being that no longer serve you? Like the trees, you may have some “leaves” that are ready to be shed. The trees shed leaves so that in the spring, a “rebirth” can happen where the old leaves use to be. What old beliefs or ways are you holding onto that are stopping your new growth? Perhaps this season of change will help you look at what needs to be shed in your life so you can move forward into “new growth”. If you are here on this Earth at this time, you are changing! Most of you can feel the changes in the world and within you. At times, it feels difficult to work through the changes. Other times, the changes just flow. Whatever is happening with you and in your world, you can be the creator of what “new” you would like in your life. Yes, you are capable and responsible for creating the life you want to live! Take a step for you, any step, even a baby step, to shed the old and then grow the new. When the winds of change blow, remember . . . sometimes what appears dead is simply preparing for a new season. ~ Jane Lee Logan Let’s look at some ways to get you started with this process. Take any area of your life – family, work, relationships, health, self-love or any aspect of your life where you want to make changes. Find about 30 minutes to do “brainstorming” about that area of your life. Several “rules” with brainstorming. You are making a list of any and everything pertaining to that subject with no thinking or judgement. After 30 minutes, look at your list and see what “jumps out at you” or feels right for you to pursue as a possibility. Here is an example of a brainstorming exercise one person did about her career. She wanted to make a change but didn’t know what to do because of her fear that she couldn’t give up a good paying job to do what she really loved! Her current position was sitting at a computer all day as a customer service rep for a large corporation. She listed all the things she would like in a career. Two things popped out when she looked at her list. She loved animals and being outdoors. She found a way to start a part-time pet sitting business on the weekends. She loved caring for and walking dogs. Soon she expanded her pet services and was busy during the week before and after her full-time job. Because she loved animals and enjoyed what she was doing, people loved her and the service she provided. Business picked up. It took time, but eventually she was able to expand her business to include part-time employees to help her. Needless to say, she is now enjoying what she does and is not sitting behind a computer all day! Gratitude for the turning of the seasons. May we attune our hearts to their enduring message of renewal. ~ Kristin Granger You can make big or small changes in any area of your life. Change is happening regardless of what you do or don’t do. Wouldn’t you like to be a part of the process of change and create what you would like in your life? As you go into fall, look for what you can shed to make room for the new. Maybe you will come up with a new recipe that becomes famous or create something else that everyone will want to have. You have gifts and talents that no one else in this world has! Believe in yourself and know that anything is possible for you! Thank you for liking, sharing and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you live a life you love! For more information, click the button below.
Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change. ~ Wayne W. Dyer Overall, how are you doing? How are you feeling? What is happening in your part of the world? Some of you have contacted me to ask why I haven’t posted a blog recently. It has only been four weeks since I wrote Your True Authentic Self but it feels like forever ago! I write as I am inspired and the past few weeks have seemed as though the days have been two hours long and not a lot gets done! There is so much going on in the world right now. Some days you can feel the stress, anxiety and irritation out in the mass consciousness. Closer to home, you may feel as though you don’t know who you are or what you are doing. Although you may feel that your world has turned upside down, if you look closely, I bet you can find some “good” in what is happening. Even in what may appear as the darkest moments in your life, what can you focus on that brings you out of the dark and into the light being motivated to move forward with your life? Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge. ~ Eckhart Tolle When a relationship ends, you have to move out of your home or a job gets eliminated, it may feel like your world is falling apart. Can you look at what is happening and turn it around into something positive? You can be the victim or choose to take the experience and grow from it. Whatever you are going through, use it to be in a better place the next time. You will know what worked or didn’t work for you in the relationship that ended. You can make changes within yourself so that your new relationship will be stronger and more in alignment with who you truly are. In losing a job, think of it as freeing you to explore another job or career that may be more suited to what you love and are good at doing. In having to find a new home it gives you the opportunity to say “I’ve always wanted to live in the Northeast so I am going to look for a home there.” Major changes like these can be just what you need to get you moving in the direction you are really meant to move in. Perhaps you are not experiencing major changes but more of a daily or weekly change in one or several areas of your life. These changes can pile up on each other and begin to overwhelm you. You wonder when is it all going to end. That is where you, your attitude and the creator within you come together to make the world that you want to live in. What changes can you make that allow you to switch your world from overwhelm and frustration to one of endless, or at least several, possibilities? Look outside the box for these opportunities. Open yourself up to allow for new options. One thing is for sure, the world as we knew it, even five years ago, does not exist today! Whatever changes you are experiencing, major or small, know that they can help you get on a path of who you truly are and who you are meant to be. You can resist the changes or “go with the flow” as the changes occur. Either way, the changes will happen! Thank you for liking, sharing and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you live a life you love! For more information, click the button below.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson As many of you have experienced, everything is changing and different on Earth right now. It may seem as though there is more “ugliness” out in the world based on what you see, hear and read in the media. It feels as though things held in secret for years, even decades, are being exposed and brought to the light to be dealt with . . . finally! Some of you are experiencing great change in your own personal world. Relationships ending, jobs changing, moving your home, financial concerns. Between what is happening with you and what is happening out in the world, it may be challenging some mornings for you to even get out of bed! Some of you have expressed fear about “what will happen to me?” Or, “I don’t know what to do.” It can be difficult to move forward in your life. Right now, with all that is happening around you and with you, it is important to make YOU your #1 priority!!! Your purpose is to be your true, authentic self! It is a gift you give not only yourself but everyone around you. What does that mean? First and foremost, you must be YOU! No more being who you think you should be for your parents, partner, friends, children and work colleagues. In every relationship, you must be your true self. Have you observed yourself acting as if you are like two different people? Like the chameleon, are you changing and adapting depending on whom you are talking with? Perhaps you show up being a particular version of you when you are with one person and then you are a completely different version of you when you are with someone else. It’s the time of no more secrets. Whether the truth is coming out in the bigger world or in your own personal world, the truth will continue to come out. It may seem as though this is not a “good” thing, but in the end, it is all good! We must recognize the “dark” so we can see the “light”. It also means that you must take care of you, first and foremost! If you don’t take care of you, then you won’t be in a good place to help anyone else. When you do what is right for you, with love, it is right for everyone around you. When you are not true to yourself, it affects you in many ways. It hurts you on some level emotionally, physically, mentally and even spiritually. It is time to stop being something other than who you truly are. Do you know the true you? If not, it’s time to figure that out. Are you ready to take the step to get in touch with the true you? The way you know something is true for you is how you feel about it. Your feelings are your truth. If a belief, someone or anything does not feel “right” to you, then most likely this is not lining up with you and isn't your truth. If you get a “pit” in your stomach and you almost feel sick about something, then you know that is not in alignment with your true self. If you can stay in your heart and feel about things, then you can make a heart centered decision about what is true for you. We are moving from a completely brain centered world to also including feelings from our heart centered world when making decisions. It has become more important than ever to show up as your true authentic self. Can you imagine a world with everyone being their true authentic self in every minute? There would be transparency in every relationship. What a beautiful world that would be! Thank you for liking, sharing and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you live a life you love! For more information, click the button below.
What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have. ~ Oprah Winfrey What do you speak every day? Not what is your native language but what and how do you speak. What words do you use in the workplace, with your friends and family? Are you authentically you in your conversations with others? Are you speaking your truth? Or, are you saying what you believe the person wants to hear from you? At times you may find yourself being very careful what you say to someone. You don’t want to offend or upset the person. You pick and choose your words. You aren’t necessarily lying to the person yet you are not being completely truthful either! I’m sure there have been times when you were very concerned about what to say to a person. Perhaps you weren’t sure how they would take what you had to say. You felt they may not hear what you were saying with the message that you intended. Communication can be tricky at times. Everyone comes from a different perspective because of their own life experiences. How you say something and your body language can also greatly impact how the message is received. Writing is another form of speaking. In the current times, it can be even trickier than speaking with someone. Tests and emails can be easily misread. Something you might want to consider when you are “speaking with writing." Your health can be affected by what you do and do not say. When what you say does not line up with your truth, it can affect your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. The stress of not speaking your truth can be obvious as well as very subtle. Either way, it still causes stress! When you speak your truth from your heart, it is beneficial not only for you but also the person you are speaking with. When you first speak about something and you speak your truth with love, there is no chance later that you will have to remember the “half-truth” you told earlier. There is stress caused simply by trying to remember exactly what you told the person in the first place. Best to speak your truth! You should feel comfortable speaking your truth no matter what situation you find yourself in. No matter what you feel or say about something, it will not “line up” with everyone. So why not speak truth as you know so it is good for you? Find someone you trust that you can practice speaking your truth in a “safe space”. A place where you know that you will not be judged or criticized for what you have to say about something. Speak from your heart in a kind way knowing that this is healthy for you on so many levels. Telling someone the truth is a loving act. ~ Mai Pancoas People come in and out of our lives. Wouldn’t you rather spend your life with people who honor you and your opinion even if they don’t agree with you? Love yourself enough to be true to yourself. Then take that truth and speak with others, in love, with love. Wouldn’t it be a much different world if we all would speak our truth in the language of love? Thank you for liking, sharing and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you live a life you love! For more information, click the button below.
You cannot change anyone, but you can be the reason someone changes. ~ Roy T. Bennett Do you know someone who has said something like “when she quits drinking” or “when he gets married”, he or she will be a better person? They assume they really know the person and what is right for them, what will make them a “better” person. We can never really know what is best for another person or totally understand what is going on in their life. Every day you interact with other people - your family, friends, strangers or work colleagues. Most people have a lot going on in their lives and it is not always easy for you to figure out what is happening with them. In these interactions, you may feel as though you know what is most beneficial for them. We all do it . . . we offer help or advice believing we know what is best for the person. You may do this thinking you are helping them. No one knows what’s best for another person. Only that person knows what is best for them. What if instead of trying to understand or change someone else, you looked at what is going on with you and your life? You haven’t walked in someone else’s shoes so you don’t have all the facts and emotions of what their life has been like. You do know, however, firsthand what your life has been like! When you work on you and make changes within you, you affect everyone around you! Create positive change for yourself and you help others see the possibility for change within themselves. As you understand yourself more fully, it may help the people in your life understand more about themselves. Have you ever been in a discussion with someone and neither one of you can agree on anything being said? The conversation seems to escalate to a point where both of you are speaking with a loud voice in a tone that adds ‘fuel to the fire”. The discussion soon becomes a yelling match. What if, instead, you “stepped back” from the discussion, took a deep breath and then spoke in a more loving, calm voice? It is possible to change your vibration and frequency toward this person and greatly affect the tone of the discussion. You may still not agree with the other person but you will feel a lot better about talking with them from that place of peace and love. Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change. ~ Wayne W. Dyer I have experienced for myself that when I am irritated and agitated with someone and we are talking, that person seems to get irritated and agitated with me. It’s like a vicious cycle! They are matching the vibration and frequency of what I am giving out. Once I realize this and change what I am projecting out from me, the tone of the discussion changes. When I consciously change my thoughts and feelings about the person and come from a more loving perspective, it never fails me. That person changes their attitude toward me! I’ve had many people in relationships tell me they wish their partner would change this or that about themselves. My response is “one of the best ways to change another person is to makes changes with yourself.” You can’t change another person but you can change YOU! You can’t change others. You can only change yourself but that will change how others respond to you. ~ Springwolf You have the power to change yourself, your life, which in turn changes your world including the people in it! Make the changes to be the person you wish to be or to live the live you desire. Open the door, walk through it and lead the way for others to change. You can do it! Be the reason for change! Thank you for liking, sharing and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you live a life you love! For more information, click the button below.
When something really matters, you should never give up or give in. ~ Gordon Brown Have you ever really thought or felt about what matters to you? Are you passionate about something? Is there something in your life that brings you joy? In the busy-ness of life, it is easy to lose touch with what really matters. If it was just you and you had no responsibilities, what would you do? What is important to you? What really matters? Some of you would say that your health and wellness matters the most. Someone might say the adventure and magic of traveling, visiting new places feeds their soul. You might say that your awakening, your realization that you are more than what you see in the mirror, is a path that really matters to you. If you have never really contemplated what matters to you, take some time to just “sit or be” with what your heart is telling you. Regardless of your age or what is happening in your life, get in touch with that inner knowing. Go within and ask yourself “What really matters to me at this time on my life journey?” Once you have established one or several things that would make “your heart sing” even at the thought of doing them, then it is time to come up with a plan to incorporate them into your daily life. Those of you who feel you are in a rut, don’t feel joy or feel hopeless with your day-to-day existence, then this is especially important for you. I know you are busy, but could you find a way to commit even 30 minutes a day to you? You might be thinking “There is no way I have even 15 minutes in my day to do something for me!” I would challenge you to make YOU your #1 priority and find time to nurture you, your soul. Could you wake up 30 minutes earlier or take 30 minutes before you go to bed for yourself? What about taking a break during the day? Or how about when you transition from work to home, you take some time for yourself. One mom told me that when she took time for herself, she was a better mother, wife and person. Because of the demands of being a working mom with a busy family, she woke up 30 minutes earlier before anyone else was awake. This was her special quiet time every day that was just for her. A professional single mother told me she would take time on her lunch hour for herself. She knew her child was being cared for at daycare. And, she was able to leave the demands of work behind during that time. Sometimes she would workout, or sit outside and read the latest book that had her attention or attend a lunch focus group about a local issue she was passionate about. She was able to focus on just herself and what mattered to her. What was interesting, she felt her performance was better at work on the days she did this. She also felt this helped her be a better mother. I love the analogy of when you are flying on a plane and there is an emergency. If you are flying with someone that would need your assistance to put on their oxygen mask, you are told to put your oxygen mask on first. If you pass out from lack of oxygen, you are not going be able to help anyone! You have to take care of you by putting on your oxygen mask before you can help others. Take time to do what matters to you, what you care about. What a wonderful way to love and take care of yourself. When you take care of you, it is a gift you give yourself and everyone around you. It is not being selfish!!! As you take time to do what you are passionate about and what brings you joy, you can then allow that to flow to others. Do what really matters to you. What a gift! Thank you for sharing, liking and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you live a life you love! For more information, click the button below.
The best way to predict the future is to create it. ~ Peter Drucker Are you on autopilot from the time the alarm goes off till you fall into bed at the end of your day? Do you go through the motions hoping you will make it through the day? Then you wake up the next day to find you are going through the same process all over again! You can choose how you go through the day. You can unconsciously move through the day or be a conscious creator. “What,” you say, “me a creator?” Yes, YOU are a creator! You have the power to create your day. Creation starts with the present moment. The more you are conscious in the NOW moment, your imagination, creativity and intuition can be focused on just that moment. That is where the magic can happen! Creation can begin from the heart center. Have you ever done something that you didn’t even have to think about doing it? You just did it because it felt good. You followed what some people call your gut feeling, your intuition, that inner knowing. You followed what felt right to you and went for it. Everyone has that inner guidance system, everyone! Intuition is your inner GPS. It helps you and guides you on the road we call life. It’s technology you have always had but in the world we live in now, it is being used more and more. And like all technology, it gets upgrades from time to time. The more you use your intuition, the stronger it gets. Take a moment and recall something you did where you trusted your gut, your intuition. Did it go as well as you thought it would? Not so well? Was it better than you imagined? If you listed ten times when you trusted your inner knowing, I feel certain you would find that most of the time things turned out very well. Humanity is moving from a “thinking” world to more of a “feeling” world. No, you aren’t going to stop using your brain! You will find, though, that thinking and rethinking about something does not help you. When you can move to a place of asking yourself “How do I feel about ABC?” and seeing how you feel, then you are getting answers from your heart. You are tapping into your intuition. When you know something feels right, it lines up with you. That is such a powerful point of creation. Trusting your gut feeling, your inner knowing, is a beautiful starting place to create your world. You are the best authority for what would be most beneficial for you. All the answers for you are within you. Try an experiment this week. Pick any day and as you make decisions during that day, ask yourself, “How do I feel about what I am deciding to do?” “How do I feel about what I am creating with the decision I am making?” How do I feel about skipping breakfast versus eating something healthy to start my day? How do I feel about putting my name into the hat for project XYZ at work? How do I feel about having lunch with my friend today? How do I feel about working late versus having dinner with my family? Feel into every decision that day. Let your heart do the guiding rather than your brain. What feels best for you? Trust your inner guidance. Time for the master creator to help you create a life you love! Thank you for sharing, liking and commenting below about this blog. Feedback is always welcome. Are you ready to live the life you desire and deserve? Julie Wilson is a Life Coach who is dedicated to help you live a life you love! For more information, click the button below.
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